Hong Kong has one of the fiercest food scenes we’ve ever experienced. It’s not just competitive to be in the restaurant business – though it is that, with a very high rotation of restaurants opening and closing – it’s also competitive to eat in Hong Kong. Anywhere worth eating, at least in Central, requires a wait. If there’s no wait, it’s no good.
One often hears about the wonders of Japanese toilets. The heated seats. The fancy electric bidet with settings to wash all your parts from different angles and tinkly music to cover up the sound of your actual tinkling. Lids that open and close with a touch of the button. That’s all very nice, but I’m here to tell you about the wonders of ladies’ rooms in Japan.
India is a grand, complicated place full of big ideas. It’s the birthplace of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. It’s the world’s biggest democracy. India inspired and challenged us on a daily basis. It would take many lifetimes to truly know India, but here are some of the things we picked up in our time there.